Finish the 4th test of the "Skynet: the virus" puzzle with 50 or more remaining links and get a 100% score.
"Skynet: the virus"4つ目のテストで残りリンクを50以上残す、かつ100%スコアを取る
個人的にはHardのBender - Algorithmic Complexityよりはるかに難しかった。
using System; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; /** * Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse * the standard input according to the problem statement. **/ class Player { static void Main(string[] args) { string[] inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); int N = int.Parse(inputs[0]); // the total number of nodes in the level, including the gateways int L = int.Parse(inputs[1]); // the number of links int E = int.Parse(inputs[2]); // the number of exit gateways Console.Error.WriteLine("N,L,E:{0},{1},{2}", N, L, E); Node[] nodes = new Node[N]; for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { nodes[i] = new Node(); } for (int i = 0; i < L; i++) { inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); int N1 = int.Parse(inputs[0]); // N1 and N2 defines a link between these nodes int N2 = int.Parse(inputs[1]); Console.Error.WriteLine("({0},{1})", N1, N2); nodes[N1].linknodes.Add(N2); nodes[N2].linknodes.Add(N1); } int[,] trap = new int[E*2, 2]; int[] gateways = new int[E]; int trapcount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < E; i++) { int ei = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // the index of a gateway node gateways[i] = ei; if(nodes[ei].isGate == false) nodes[ei].isGate = true; for(int j = 0; j < nodes[ei].linknodes.Count; j++) { int ln = nodes[ei].linknodes[j]; if(nodes[ln].linknodes.Count == 3) { for(int k = 0; k < nodes[ln].linknodes.Count; k++) { int ln2 = nodes[ln].linknodes[k]; if( ln2 != ei & nodes[ln2].linknodes.Count > 3) { trap[trapcount,0] = ln; trap[trapcount,1] = ln2; trapcount++; } } } } } for(int i = 0; i < E; i++) { for(int j = i+1; j < E; j++) { if(nodes[gateways[i]].linknodes.Count < nodes[gateways[j]].linknodes.Count) { int tmp = gateways[j]; gateways[j] = gateways[i]; gateways[i] = tmp; int t0 = trap[j*2,0]; int t1 = trap[j*2,1]; trap[j*2,0] = trap[i*2,0]; trap[j*2,1] = trap[i*2,1]; trap[i*2,0] = t0; trap[i*2,1] = t1; t0 = trap[j*2+1,0]; t1 = trap[j*2+1,1]; trap[j*2+1,0] = trap[i*2+1,0]; trap[j*2+1,1] = trap[i*2+1,1]; trap[i*2+1,0] = t0; trap[i*2+1,1] = t1; } } } for(int i = 0; i < gateways.Length; i++) { Console.Error.WriteLine("{0}/", gateways[i]); } for(int i = 0; i < E*2; i++) { Console.Error.WriteLine("trap({0},{1})", trap[i,0], trap[i,1]); } // game loop trapcount = 0; while (true) { string result = string.Empty; int SI = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // The index of the node on which the Skynet agent is positioned this turn Console.Error.WriteLine("SI:{0}",SI); int linknum = int.MaxValue; //SIがゲート隣接してたら閉鎖 for(int i = 0; i < nodes[SI].linknodes.Count; i++) { int ln = nodes[SI].linknodes[i]; if(nodes[ln].isGate == true) { result = string.Format("{0} {1}", SI, ln); rem(nodes[SI].linknodes, ln); rem(nodes[ln].linknodes, SI); break; } } //ゲート隣接していなければトラップを発動 if(result == string.Empty) { if(trap[trapcount,0] != trap[trapcount,1]) { result = string.Format("{0} {1}", trap[trapcount,0], trap[trapcount,1]); rem(nodes[trap[trapcount,0]].linknodes, trap[trapcount,1]); rem(nodes[trap[trapcount,1]].linknodes, trap[trapcount,0]); trapcount++; } } //トラップ、ゲート隣接なしなら適当に隣接を閉鎖 if(result == string.Empty) { for(int i = 0; i < nodes[SI].linknodes.Count; i++) { int ln = nodes[SI].linknodes[i]; result = string.Format("{0} {1}", SI, ln); rem(nodes[SI].linknodes, ln); rem(nodes[ln].linknodes, SI); break; } } Console.WriteLine(result); } } //ノードから指定リンクを削除 private static void rem(List<int> l, int n) { for(int i = 0; i < l.Count; i++) { if(l[i] == n) { l.RemoveAt(i); } } } //喉クラス public class Node { public List<int> linknodes = new List<int>(); public bool isGate = false; } }