using System; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; /** * Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse * the standard input according to the problem statement. **/ class Solution { //フタと中央と壁 static string HourglassCap = "+=====================+"; static string HourglassCenter = " X"; static string WallA = @"\"; static string WallB = @"/"; //粒が消える(増える)順番 static int[][] TopHalfGrainsNumber = new int[10][]{ new int[19]{47,32,30,19,17,10,8,5,3,1,2,4,7,9,16,18,29,31,46}, new int[17]{51,49,36,34,23,21,14,12,6,11,13,20,22,33,35,48,50}, new int[15]{66,55,53,40,38,27,25,15,24,26,37,39,52,54,65}, new int[13]{70,68,59,57,44,42,28,41,43,56,58,67,69}, new int[11]{81,74,72,63,61,45,60,62,71,73,80}, new int[9]{85,83,78,76,64,75,77,82,84}, new int[7]{92,89,87,79,86,88,91}, new int[5]{96,94,90,93,95}, new int[3]{99,97,98}, new int[1]{100}, }; static int[][] BottomHalfGrainsNumber = new int[10][]{ new int[1]{1}, new int[3]{100,2,99}, new int[5]{98,82,3,81,97}, new int[7]{96,80,66,4,65,79,95}, new int[9]{94,78,64,52,5,51,63,77,93}, new int[11]{92,76,62,50,40,6,39,49,61,75,91}, new int[13]{90,74,60,48,38,30,7,29,37,47,59,73,89}, new int[15]{88,72,58,46,36,28,22,8,21,27,35,45,57,71,87}, new int[17]{86,70,56,44,34,26,20,16,9,15,19,25,33,43,55,69,85}, new int[19]{84,68,54,42,32,24,18,14,12,10,11,13,17,23,31,41,53,67,83} }; //経過時間 static int ElapsedTime; //粒の数 static int TopHalfGrainCount; static int BottomHalfGrainCount; //砂時計の最終状態 static StringBuilder Hourglass = new StringBuilder(); static void Main(string[] args) { //粒を数える CountGrain(); //100粒じゃない if (!IsGrainCountEqual100()) { Console.WriteLine("BROKEN HOURGLASS"); return; } //経過時間の取得 ReadElapsedTime(); //時間経過後の砂時計 GrainCountAfterElapsedTime(); //描画 Draw(); } //粒を数える static void CountGrain() { TopHalfGrainCount = CountGrainInHalf(); var line = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine(line); BottomHalfGrainCount = CountGrainInHalf(); Console.Error.WriteLine($"topcount:{TopHalfGrainCount}"); Console.Error.WriteLine($"bottomcount:{BottomHalfGrainCount}"); } //上下片側の粒を数える static int CountGrainInHalf() { var count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++) { var line = Console.ReadLine(); count += line.Count(x => x == 'o'); Console.Error.WriteLine(line); } return count; } //経過時間を取得 static void ReadElapsedTime() { ElapsedTime = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Error.WriteLine($"ElapsedTime:{ElapsedTime}"); } //100粒か否か static bool IsGrainCountEqual100() { return TopHalfGrainCount + BottomHalfGrainCount == 100; } //経過時間後の上下の粒の数 static void GrainCountAfterElapsedTime() { TopHalfGrainCount = TopHalfGrainCountAfterElapsedTime(); BottomHalfGrainCount = BottomHalfGrainCountAfterElapsedTime(); Console.Error.WriteLine($"AfterTopGrain:{TopHalfGrainCount}"); Console.Error.WriteLine($"AfterBottomGrain:{BottomHalfGrainCount}"); } //時間経過後の上半分の物の数 static int TopHalfGrainCountAfterElapsedTime() { var count = TopHalfGrainCount - ElapsedTime; return count < 0 ? 0 : count; } //経過時間後の下半分の粒の数 static int BottomHalfGrainCountAfterElapsedTime() { var count = BottomHalfGrainCount + ElapsedTime; return count > 100 ? 100 : count; } //砂時計の描画 static void Draw() { MakeTopHalf(); Hourglass.AppendLine(HourglassCenter); MakeBottomHalf(); Console.Write(Hourglass.ToString()); } //砂時計上側の作成 private static void MakeTopHalf() { DeleteTopHalfGrains(); Hourglass.AppendLine(HourglassCap); for(var h = 0; h < 10; h++) { //スペース for(var s = 0; s <= h; s++) Hourglass.Append(" "); //左壁 Hourglass.Append(WallA); //粒 for(var x = 0; x < TopHalfGrainsNumber[h].Length; x++) if(TopHalfGrainsNumber[h][x] != 0) Hourglass.Append("o"); else Hourglass.Append(" "); //右壁 Hourglass.AppendLine(WallB); } } //上半分の不要な粒を消す private static void DeleteTopHalfGrains() { var grains = 101 - TopHalfGrainCount; for(var h = 0; h < TopHalfGrainsNumber.Length; h++) { for(var i = 0; i < TopHalfGrainsNumber[h].Length; i++) if(TopHalfGrainsNumber[h][i] < grains) TopHalfGrainsNumber[h][i] = 0; } } //砂時計下側の作成 private static void MakeBottomHalf() { DeleteBottomHalfGrains(); for(var h = 0; h < 10; h++) { //スペースの追加 for(var s = 0; s <= 9-h; s++) Hourglass.Append(" "); //左壁 Hourglass.Append(WallB); //粒 for(var x = 0; x < BottomHalfGrainsNumber[h].Length; x++) if(BottomHalfGrainsNumber[h][x] != 0) Hourglass.Append("o"); else Hourglass.Append(" "); //右壁 Hourglass.AppendLine(WallA); } Hourglass.AppendLine(HourglassCap); } //下半分の不要な粒を消す private static void DeleteBottomHalfGrains() { for(var h = 0; h < BottomHalfGrainsNumber.Length; h++) { for(var i = 0; i < BottomHalfGrainsNumber[h].Length; i++) if(BottomHalfGrainsNumber[h][i] > BottomHalfGrainCount) BottomHalfGrainsNumber[h][i] = 0; } } }
*1:Copilot GPT Designer で作成